Alain Petriz - WPF Mr. Universe 2009 - Masters Over 50

L E  S A L O N  D E S  V I P

Bienvenue dans Le Salon des VIP!  Que pensent de lui, les grand Champions du Bodybuilding?

Liste des Champions dans l'ordre alphabétique.


Mr. Universe, Mr. Europe, Night of Champions Winner

"Alain you have a classic forever popular physique that spans the decades of fads that come and go. Keep training, stay true to your vision, focus on being the best you can be and success will forever be yours in bodybuilding and in life. I am quite impressed, my friend!! Albert Beckles."


Mr. America, Mr. World, Pumping Iron Legend

"I found you and your website to be very impressive. I want to wish you good luck in your next competition and in all of your bodybuiling endeavors. I am sure you will be competing against the most elite bodybuilders in the world. You should consider competing in an IFBB Pro Show. By the way your webmaster is also my webmaster. Stay positive and stay strong."


Mr. America, Mr. International, Mr. Universe, Mr. World

"C’est un grand site Web et vous avez établi un physique fin et impressionnant. La formation de subsistance comme toi le signifient ! - Boyer"


Mr. USA, Mr. America, 3rd Mr. Olympia Masters 1982

"Hi Alain, you look great for your age, you need just 20 pounds of upper body muscle to win Masters stuff. Keep up the good work, and also Happy Holidays."


Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia, Masters Olympia +60

"Alain - Keep up the good work. Beautiful website by Paolo and great photos! All the best. Chris Dickerson."


Mr. Olympia Masters, Mr. Canada

"Salut Alain, felicitation pour ta carriere en culturisme. C'a fait plaisir de voir des gens de notre ages avec des physiques aussi impressionants. Je peux l"apprecier d'autant plus car je sais a quel niveau d'intensiter et de discipline un athlete doit se soumettre pour garder ce niveau de competition. Je te souhaite bonne chance pour les prochaines competitions."


Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World

"It's a double-edged tribute, indeed, when a current international champion appreciates and commends the champions of the years gone by. Too often one gets caught up in today and tomorrow and one's own skin to look back and honor the Bulldozers and Earthmovers that prepared the bodybuilding landscape. Alain Peritz, a robust 49 year bodybuilder who has won the title of Mr. France four times, a stunning feat, is still connected to those champs who inspired him when muscle and might were his dream. Such men are bodybuilders forever. Thanks, Alain."


Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World, Pumping Iron Legend

"Alain, Happy Holidays. You look great in your photos. And remember, at 49 you’re just a "kid". I just turned 72 last month and I’m still at the gym 7 days a week. I think they should name Petriz Mr. France for a fifth time! ...keep going for it. You can see what I looked like at age 50 on the cover of IronMan. Take care, keep training and be healthy. Your friend." 


Mr. Olympia Competitior, IFBB Pro, Mr. France '82-'86

"Cher Alain, Felicitations pour representer le cote esthetique du Bodybuilding! Bonne chance pour tes competitions a venir! Sportivement, Francis.


Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World, Mr. Olympia '77-'79

"My kindest regards to Alain. He has a great physique, encourage him to keep training intelligently. Frank Zane."


Mr. America, NABBA Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia Masters +60

"I have always felt the French have a better sense of the ideal male physique than any one else. In every aspect you have developed perfectly without overdoing it as is the current fashion. Your age contributes to that in the quality of the muscles and confidence in yourself, which exudes from every pore. Congratulations on your very successful career. I anticipate returning many times to enjoy your photo collection."


Mr. Olympia Competitor, NPC Champion, IFBB Pro, PDI Pro

"Hello Alain, Great meeting you while I was in France, your physique looked incredible. Keep up the good work. You have a great web site. Its great to finally see another bodybuilder take his career in his own hand by getting his own web site and being able to reach out to the fans without needing help from the magazines. Much success to you Alain. P.S. Stay focused and driven at everything that you do."


8 times Mr. Olympia between 1998-2005

"Keep training hard Alain, all the best to you. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you always got. This is some quote I like to live by."


Mr. Olympia 1983, WABBA World Champion '85-'86

"Alain, Vous semblez fantastique. Vous prouvez au monde que nous tous les deux pouvons sembler bons et séjour dans la forme même lorsque nous ne sommes plus vingt années ! Votre ami Samir Bannout."


Mr. Europe, 2nd Mr. Olympia 1974-75, NABBA Mr. Universe, WBBG Mr. Olympus

"Hello Alain, felicitations pour ta carriere. Il faut absolutement que nous reston en contacte pour promouvoir encore plus notre sport. Je crois, a voir ta ligne, que nous sommes sur la meme longueur d'onde donc nous pouvons faire beaucoup afin que la culture-physique reste un art tout en etant la base de tous les sports. Ton site est sensationnel et tres effectif, peux-tu m'indiquer son auteur afin que je lui commande le meme. Maintenant que j'ai pu voir ton lien je te promets que les distances entre nous n'exiterons plus."

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